Core personal data requirements

The following information is required for each MINC applicant, with certain exceptions (see 1-3, below)

  1. Name (last, first, middle)
  2. Sex (M/F)
  3. Date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD)
  4. Country of birth (Note 2)
  5. Institution issuing the medical degree, as applicable (Note 3)
  6. Year medical degree is issued, as applicable (Note 3)
  7. Previous names, as applicable (up to two; same format as #1.)
  8. Additional identifiers, standardized and coded (optional; for example, a student’s medical school and expected year of graduation)

The above applicant information is required because it is unchangeable (except for the name) and is verifiable by source documents. MINC#NIMC holds this data in strict confidentiality. See Privacy Code. Once a MINC is issued, the Prime User’s registration or file number and the date of the request are added to the individual’s file in the MINC#NIMC system.


  1. Where provincial privacy or other legislation prevents the release of any of these data elements to MINC#NIMC, Prime Users are requested to provide whichever of the core personal data they can.
  2. Optional, to validate birth certificate.
  3. For medical students, the institution and year of medical degree should be left blank, with a note added to the “additional identifiers” field noting the expected institution and year of graduation.

Updating core personal data

The only updating ever done to data in the MINC#NIMC system is a legal name change or a correction to data. Changes of address, qualifications, registration status – even the death of a MINC holder – are not recorded. No file is ever removed from the system.